
“The creation of this new countrywide/state wide health information exchange by CNMGTS by linking same beneficiary in all service provider for health and nutrition that reduces the dropout and improve health and nutrition of individual as well as community vulnerable group is an important milestone in transforming healthcare system into a coordinated system that delivers higher quality and more efficient care to all groups of community with effective focus on 0-19 growth and nutrition”

  • Ensure Supplementary Nutrition to under nutrition children, Normal Children, lactating women and ensure comprehensive growth tracking of 0-19 and reproductive age group.
  • Reduce High rates of under nutrition, Anaemia in children and pregnant woman, management of childhood illnesses triggered to strengthen the Home visits (active survey) &Village Health & Nutrition Day (VHND).
  • Ensure maximum families covered under family health survey and update records in time bound manner.
  • Birth defects identified by FHW with the help of inbuilt pictures of birth defects at birth and referred for treatment in time at appropriate secondary and tertiary health care.
  • Ensure concrete planning ,service providing and tracking reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout.
  • Ensure integration of WCD, Health, Education and other departments to provide services to every individual in spite of social and economic inequalities.